

so what does nhawi mean and what is this blog about? well ‘nhawi’ is like ‘ummmm’ in the local aboriginal language, Yolngu Matha. in simple terms the title of my blog represents the gap between articulating thoughts. its the sound of not saying anything, momentarily.

this blogg is a record of our lives in north east arnhem land and our travels to experience other countries and cultures.

blog posts

Back Home

I am writing this as we motor across from Astell Island to Elisabeth Bay where we will spend our last night before sailing down to Gove Harbour tomorrow morning. See ...

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croc attack

Last night was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life! We were all fast asleep when at about 4am there was a loud bang that woke us all ...

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Heading home

After nearly 2 months in Darwin it was time to head home, Kai was on his way to Europe and Dave flew back in to join us for the trip ...

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So, not sure where the time has gone, but our 6 weeks in Darwin is nearly up, early next week we plan to set off for home! Today Kai left ...

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After coming out of Cadell Strait we set a course thru the Crocodile islands overnight and then Sunday we headed out to the north of the Goulburn Islands, originally we ...

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We departed Gove harbour at 3am on Saturday morning, very light breeze so we had to motor up to Cape Wilberforce and into Malay Roads, we were able to motor ...

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Darwin bound

Today is our final day of preparation for sailing to Darwin, we depart at about 3am tomorrow morning to catch the tide through Cadell Strait between Elcho Island and the ...

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Long time

...no see! I have been reluctant to update the blog because its all built on Wordpress, which in hindsight was a big mistake because so many of the plug ins ...

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Alone - well sort of! Sal has gone down to NSW for a week or so for her Grandmother's 90th, Kai is in Darwin for 2 weeks at trade school ...

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catch up

Picking up from the end of June - which is when I last posted on the blog! - we had a visit from friends Anna & her daughter Mali and ...

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Mid June has not typically been a time of the year we do much boating, the SE trades are generally well set by then and the sea conditions will generally ...

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Pearl Farm

After finally leaving Guruliya Bay we sailed down to Firefly Pass between Warnawi and Alger Island, went through the pass and then across Donington Sound to the West end of ...

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at the bottom of each page is a link to all the blog posts, arranged from latest to oldest, you can also use the categories on the side bar in the blog posts to look at posts that are tagged with that specific category.

there is also a column of links to other sites like our old blog, vimeo, smugmug and also Kai’s blog and our seekrit squirrel forum – drop by and have a look, if you sign up you can add topics, posts, make replies and add photos and videos to our little community.

 Posted by at 10:11 pm